




I try to show to user a message with javascript. I have a button and this button does something like,

Label1.Text = "Hello world";
//javascript code

Firstly, label1.text will "Hello world" after user will see the message.


+1  A: 

If I understand you, you need an event handler on the button.

<button id="somebutton">Click me</button>
<label for="someid"></label>

The button can be any html, I just want to show the id, actually.

document.getElementById('somebutton').onclick = function() {
  document.getElementById('someid').innerHTML = 'Hello World';
  return false;

You can also just append a child to the label adding a textnode, if you wanted.

James Black
+1  A: 

Not sure exactly what you are asking here. I am not aware of a an HTML label. If you are speaking of an ASP:Label, that is rendered as a span in the browser. To set the value in JavaScript, you should access it using the document model. Below might help, if not, please try to clarify your question.


function changeText()
   document.getElementById('spnSayHello').innerHTML = 'Hello World';

<span id='spnSayHello' onclick="changeText();">clickme</span>

UPDATE: If I understand you correctly, you are trying to render javascript to the page via your c# code? You can do this in a number of ways. The way that I usually do this is using RegisterStartupScript like this:

private void writeSomeJs()
   ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.form1.getType(),"jPopUp","<script>alert('Hello World');</script>")
I mean with "Hello world", I have c# code in code-behind. there are some code which I can't do it with javascript. So, after the c# codes, i have to show a message to user.
+1  A: 

Probably the simplest way to execute JavaScript code after the Label's text has been set would be the following:

Label1.Text = "Hello world" +
    @"<script type=""text/javascript"">
          alert(""Message to show."");

Basically, the JavaScript code is placed inside the Label's Text. When the browser loads the page returned by the server, it will process the JavaScript and show the message.

Jon Benedicto
+2  A: 

C# and javascript code run in different timeframes and in different computers. Your server-side code runs and generates HTML which is then sent to browser. The browser then runs javascript code.

Therefore, you can't do stuff like setting the label text in C# and then run javascript. You can't 'call' javascript from C# or C# from javascript.

What you can do, however, is set the label text (which is rendered as a span in browser) in javascript and then do other stuff you wanted to do.

Chetan Sastry
that's about as close as i could make out as well

Hi, I Suppose this is what you are trying, I tried out this code its working for me.

Label1.Text = "Hello world";

Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "click", "alert('Messages');", true);

or even you can call javascript function from here

Label1.Text = "Hello world"; 
     Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "click", "function();", true);