A required field validator seems to always to fire when the associated textbox is disabled (whether the textbox contains text or not).
When the textbox is enabled the validator behaves correctly.
Can anybody tell me why?
I've tried disabling the required field validator with ValidatorEnable but that seems to make no difference.
Here's the relevant HTML from the page (cut down):
<tr id="trBrokerNetID" runat="server">
<cc1:mitextbox id="txtBrokerNetID" runat="server" cssclass="bodytext" width="220px" maxlength="20" onBlur="JavaScript:CheckBrokerBranch(false);"></cc1:mitextbox>
<asp:requiredfieldvalidator id="rfvBrokerNetID" runat="server" width="1px" errormessage="BrokerNetID - Please supply a value" controltovalidate="txtBrokerNetID">*</asp:requiredfieldvalidator>
Any ideas gratefully received.