Hi there,
Using SQL Server 2008: assuming I have a valid geography object geog1, converting it to a geometry instance geom1 (using the same SRID) and converting it back to an object geography geog2 shows no difference between geog1 and geog2.
However, due to a problem already discussed here I cannot create a geography object containing a linestring from my original data. It works with geometry objects. However, if I perform a "makevalid()" on the resulting geometry, I can create a geography object again. The problem is that I don´t know if this geography will be much different compared to the original linestring that was not accepted by geography::STGeomFromText() before. Especially the object length (STLength()) is of interest to me.
Does anyone know if the conversion between geography and geometry types is losless and if a Makevalid() call on a geometry changes the data (especially when it comes to length)?