




I recently wrote a script which parsed a text representation of single binary byte month field.

(Don't ask :-{ )

After fiddling with sprintf for a while I gave up and did this;

our %months = qw / x01 1 
       x02 2
       x03 3 
       x04 4 
       x05 5 
       x06 6 
       x07 7 
       x08 8 
       x09 9 
       x0a 10 
       x0b 11 
       x0c 12 /;
my $month = $months{$text};

Which I get away with because I'm only using 12 numbers, but is there a better way of doing this?

+5  A: 

See hex and/or oct.


use strict;
use warnings;

my @months = map hex, qw/x01 x02 x03 x04 x05 x06 x07 x08 x09 x0a x0b x0c/;
print "$_\n" for @months;
Sinan Ünür
what is `say` in Perl?
Nathan Fellman
Sinan Ünür
To expound: "say" is one of the (IMHO questionable) new bits of syntax added to recent perls. It doesn't work by default, because being new syntax it would break old scripts. So you use the '-E' argument to run a script with "all" features. But of course that gets you all features added since your script was written too, which may break it. Basically, the given example is more about showing off than it is about enginering a solution. But the answer about the hex function is right.
Andy Ross
Sinan Ünür
My point was more about -E than say. The -E argument can't be reliably used for anything, as it doesn't specify a specific language, just "whatever is most recent". And I don't follow your quoting argument. You can enclose double quotes inside single quotes on a command line just fine...
Andy Ross
@Andy Ross a plain reading of both your comments leave me puzzled. But, life is too short. No more `-E`, no more `say` even though I think your criticism is vacuous.
Sinan Ünür
+9  A: 

if you have

$hex_string = "0x10";

you can use:

$hex_val = hex($hex_string);

And you'll get: $hex_val == 16

hex doesn't require the "0x" at the beginning of the string. If it's missing it will still translate a hex string to a number.

You can also use oct to translate binary, octal or hex strings to numbers based on the prefix:

  • 0b - binary
  • 0 - octal
  • 0x - hex
Nathan Fellman
It's so obvious when you know the answer :-)
Chris Huang-Leaver
+3  A: 

If I understand correctly you have 1 byte per month - not string "0x10", but rather byte with 10 in it.

In this way, you should use unpack:

my $in = "\x0a";
print length($in), "\n";
my ($out) = unpack("c", $in);
print length($out), "\n", $out, "\n"



If the input are 3 characters, like "x05", then changing is also quite simple:

my $in = "x0a";
my $out = hex($in);
@depesz Your downvotes are simply unjustified. Do you know what the `qw//` operator does in Perl? Do you know what *a text representation of single binary byte* means?
Sinan Ünür
@Sinan: I know. I guess that OP gave \x01, and not x01 - and the \ was simply lost someplace. please note from his question: "single binary byte month field". not "4 byte string \x01" or "3 byte string"
@depesz **text representation** of a single binary byte month field. Words must mean something.
Sinan Ünür
@Sinan - ok. now you made me doubt. Downvotes removed accordingly.