This is quite a bit shorter, just 41 characters.
It reads a value into a[0]. It copies the read value into a[1] and a[2] and subtracts 13 from a[1]. If a[1] is non-zero (meaning it's not a CR), it puts a[2] and clears a[1]. It then clears a[2] and reads into a[0] again and repeats.
This has the added advantage that--since it leaves a[0]=0 every time it reads--it should support BF virtual machines that read EOF as 0 or treat EOF as "no change", both of which are common.
Since this doesn't replace CRLF pairs with LF but rather just strips CR, this doesn't depend on assuming the file ends with an LF. My own testing with dos2unix (at least the Cygwin one) does not indicate that lone CRs are retained.