I have the following mapping class that requires the use of a composite id. The issue I am having is that the exposed related entities (OrganizationSurvey) and (Section) are both coming back as null. However, the entities do exist in their respective tables...
What am I not seeing or doing wrong..??
public SectionResponseMap()
.KeyProperty(x => x.OrganizationSurveyID)
.KeyProperty(x => x.SectionID);
Map(x => x.Comments);
Map(x => x.LastModified);
Map(x => x.LastModifiedBy);
Map(x => x.MarkedReviewQuestionCount);
Map(x => x.RequireFeedbackQuestionCount);
Map(x => x.RespondedQuestionCount);
Map(x => x.Score);
Map(x => x.SectionStatusCode);
References<OrganizationSurvey>(x => x.OrganizationSurvey).Column("OrganizationSurveyID");
References<Section>(x => x.Section).Column("SectionID");