ok, so, i have an xml file that looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<User ID="1">
<password>a password</password>
<host>[email protected]</host>
<User ID="2">
now, first, i will have a return of what their ID number is, so, ill have "2". from that, i will need to go into, and edit the fields in it, and resave the xml. so basically what i need, is to open the file, find the info for User ID="2", and resave the xml, with DIFFERENT values inside of user 2, without affecting the rest of the document.
<User ID="2">
//do the alterations here, and end up with
<User ID="2">
<password>somthing that is different than before</password>
<host>the most current host that they were seen as</host>
Summary: i need to open a text file, return the information via ID number, edit the information, re-save the file. without affecting anything other than user 2