The tupleFraction parameter helps define what it means to be a "significant" subclass. The data mining rules are heuristics, and as such they can potentially find patterns where common sense might not agree.
The tupleFraction parameter says this (for some of the rules): if EdmGen++ thinks that it has found a subclass, but the new subclass has less than tupleFraction of the instances from its parent class, consider the new subclass "insignificant" and don't create it. The parameter is optional - if you don't specify it, I think that it gets set to 0.05 (5%).
The current version only allows table specification through the UI. However, to pull the list of tables from a file or from some other source is an easy addition - I will add it to the top of the to-do list for the next version.
James Terwilliger
Software Development Engineer, Microsoft
UPDATE: We have updated the code at to allow for tables to be specified without the GUI. In the previous version, the RetrofitModel option would bring up a dialog that would allow the user to choose the tables to include in the model. The ConceptualEdmGen dll now has two additional public methods that can set the list of tables without bringing up a dialog – one that pulls the list of tables from a file, and one where the list of tables is fed directly to the method as a list of strings.
The EdmGen2 code as it appears in the package uses the “from file” option, where it looks for a file called “Tables.txt” in the current directory, and if found, feeds its contents to the dll to set the list of tables. So for instance, if the following were the contents of the file “Tables.txt”:
EdmGen2 would generate (for the RetrofitModel option) a model for all of the tables in the HumanResources schema for AdventureWorks. For both methods, an empty list will result in all tables in the database being added to the model. The table selection UI will still appear if neither table selection method is called.