Ts there any way to call a static member on type when I only have a generic parameter. For example if I have something like this
public Get<T>(int id)
// I would like to do this
string s = T.SomeMethodName();
I could do it like this but is kinda "yucky", and then it does not matter if it is static or not. Or I could use reflection as suggested by Yuriy.
ISomeKnownInterface i = (ISomeKnownInterface ) new T();
string s = i.SomeMethodName();
So question is now which is better approach, creating new instance of using reflection
public TFormDto Get<TFormDto>(int entityId) where TFormDto : AbstractEntityFormDto, new()
// create new instance
AbstractEntityFormDto a = (AbstractEntityFormDto) new TFormDto();
string entityName = a.GetEntityFullTypeName();
// use reflection
Type type = typeof(TFormDto);
string entityName = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)
.Single(m => m.Name == "GetEntityFullTypeName")
.Invoke(null, null);