




I'm looking for libraries to build attractive interfaces. Someone told me about Fluid ( but it's very difficult to use.

Anyone knows others?

My project is for Compact Framework 2.0 SP2, C#, and it's going to use in Windows Mobile 5.0 and above.

Thank you!

+1  A: 

I have been looking for the same recently. Resco MobileForms Toolkit is one option, but in the end (because I didn't want to pay for any third party libraries) I just wrote a few controls of my own - this was quite a useful starting resource, but it is 3.5 focussed. I think your options may be much more limited if you still want to support version 5.0.

Chris Ballard
+1  A: 

you should check out the Silvermoon project. if uses opengl to make great looking UI´s. just tried it on my phone and it looks great.

Joachim Kerschbaumer
Yeah, it's great but Silvermoon requires hardware support for open gl and I need to run the application on a lot of Windows Mobile devices.

I use Resco MobileForms Toolkit despite they are not for free. And I can say I made a good "investment". The controls/libraries are of great help and graphically attractive. But the thing I appreciate the most is perfect and very fast support. I can understand that some developers create their own libraries or use free ones. But as I am working on relatively complicated and various mobile projects, the support was a key factor for me.

I appreciate your help. Thank you.

We have recently purchased iPack from Bee Mobile. It contains almost 20 .NET CF components with really nice look. Their support is also very good. Take a look at their web page at

Peter Salamon