I've got an order form, to which I can append fields by clicking a button. I've got some back end javascript running which totals up the order price, but the grand total script is eluding me.
My problem is that I need the script to seach the entire DOM and find how many have an ID which matches the following pattern.
totprice01 totprice02 totprice03 totprice(n)
I've been playing with this regex, but with not a lot of luck i'm afraid:
matchStr = new RegExp("\\btotprice\\d{2}\\b", "gi");
Once i've got an array of all the HTML IDs I need to pass them into a function which so far looks like this - notice it's all hard coded, not in the least dynamic:
document.getElementById('totpricetot').value = Math.round((parseFloat(document.getElementById('totprice1').value)+parseFloat(document.getElementById('totprice2').value)+parseFloat(document.getElementById('totprice3').value)+parseFloat(document.getElementById('totprice4').value)+parseFloat(document.getElementById('totprice5').value)+parseFloat(document.getElementById('totprice6').value)+parseFloat(document.getElementById('totprice7').value)+parseFloat(document.getElementById('totprice8').value)+parseFloat(document.getElementById('totprice9').value)+parseFloat(document.getElementById('totprice10').value))*100)/100;
Is anyone able to help me put this into expression + function to return the sum of all the values into ?
Thanks a lot!
OK I decided to ditch just using plain ol' javascript - JQuery it is! I've put together this code using some of the examples below, but can someone help me debug it I keep get "not defined" errors from the debugger - it appears this function is unavailable to the rest of the DOM?
<input id="totprice08" onChange="totChange()" class="total_field" />
<input id="totprice09" onChange="totChange()" class="total_field" />
<input id="totprice10" onChange="totChange()" class="total_field" />
<input id="totpricetot" value="0.00" name="totpricetot" />
jQuery(function($) {
function totChange() {
var sum=0;
$('.total_field').each(function() {
sum += $( this ).val () * 1;
} );