I am inside of...
public class bgchange : IMapServerDropDownBoxAction
void IServerAction.ServerAction(ToolbarItemInfo info)
Some code...
and after "some code" I want to trigger
public static void DoSome()
Which triggers some javascript. Is this possible?
Ok, switch methods here. I was able to call dosome(); which fired but did not trigger the javascript. I have tried to use the registerstartupscript method but don't fully understand how to implement it. Here's what I tried:
public class bgchange : IMapServerDropDownBoxAction
void IServerAction.ServerAction(ToolbarItemInfo info)
...my C# code to perform on dropdown selection...
//now I want to trigger some javascript...
// Define the name and type of the client scripts on the page.
String csname1 = "PopupScript";
Type cstype = this.GetType();
// Get a ClientScriptManager reference from the Page class.
ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;
// Check to see if the startup script is already registered.
if (!cs.IsStartupScriptRegistered(cstype, csname1))
String cstext1 = "alert('Hello World');";
cs.RegisterStartupScript(cstype, csname1, cstext1, true);
I got the registerstartupscript code from an msdn example. Clearly I am not implementing it correctly. Currently vs says "An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'System.Web.UI.Page.ClientScript.get' refering to the piece of code "Page.Clientscript;" Thanks.