



I am looking for a C# specific , open source (or source code available) implementation of recursive, or deep, object comparison.

I currently have two graphs of live objects that I am looking to compare to each other, with the result of the comparison being a set of discrepancies in the graphs. The objects are instantiations of a set of classes that are known at run time (but not necessarily at compile time).

There is a specific requirement to be able to map from the discrepancies in the graphs, back to the objects containing the discrepancies.

+4  A: 

This is a complex area; I've done some things like this at runtime, and it quickly gets messy. If possible, you might find that the simplest way to do this is to serialize the objects and compare the serialized form (perhaps xml-diff and XmlSerializer). This is complicated a little by the types not being known at runtime, but not hugely (you can always use new XmlSerializer(obj.GetType()) etc).

That would be my default approach, anyway.

Marc Gravell
That's really neat; I hadn't thought of serializing them before running a comparison. I don't expect this is going to be pretty, by any measure.For my use, I'll have to build a structure containing all of the conflicted objects. I don't think that's going to be particularly easy from an XML-Diff output

This is actually a simple process. Using reflection you can compare each field on the object.

public static Boolean ObjectMatches(Object x, Object y)
    if (x == null && y == null)
     return true;
    else if ((x == null && y != null) || (x != null && y == null))
     return false;  

    Type tx = x.GetType();
    Type ty = y.GetType();

    if (tx != ty)
     return false;

    foreach(FieldInfo field in tx.GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly))
     if (field.FieldType.IsValueType && (field.GetValue(x).ToString() != field.GetValue(y).ToString()))
      return false;
     else if (field.FieldType.IsClass && !ObjectMatches(field.GetValue(x), field.GetValue(y)))
      return false;    

    return true;
From experience, it can get very tricky for deep objects - especially when comparing sub-collections.
Marc Gravell
That does mean this is a bad solution. For the majority of cases this method works quite well.
Yup, I'll run into problems with collections when I run this. Also, there's no cycle detection built in - this method would work for a one-directional tree, not for a generic graph.
You also need to define how objects should be compared, recursively, by calling Equal, by IComparable or by some custom comparison. Lists and dictionaries are not trivial to compare. And in reality, you always have some exceptions, fields you want to ignore.
Stefan Steinegger
Yes, you're right - the code at that Jesse linked to above seems to handle everything properly.
+2  A: 

I found a really nice, free implementation at called Compare .NET Objects which can be found here. Highly recommended.

Jesse C. Slicer
+1  A: 

Here's an NUnit 2.4.6 custom constraint we use for comparing complex graphs. It supports embedded collections, parent references, setting tolerance for numeric comparisons, identifying field names to ignore (even deep within the hierarchy), and decorating types to be always ignored.

I'm sure this code can be adapted to be used outside NUnit, the bulk of the code isn't dependent on NUnit.

We use this in thousands of unit tests.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NUnit.Framework.Constraints;

namespace Tests
    public class ContentsEqualConstraint : Constraint
        private readonly object expected;
        private Constraint failedEquality;
        private string expectedDescription;
        private string actualDescription;

        private readonly Stack<string> typePath = new Stack<string>();
        private string typePathExpanded;

        private readonly HashSet<string> _ignoredNames = new HashSet<string>();
        private readonly HashSet<Type> _ignoredTypes = new HashSet<Type>();
        private readonly LinkedList<Type> _ignoredInterfaces = new LinkedList<Type>();
        private readonly LinkedList<string> _ignoredSuffixes = new LinkedList<string>();
        private readonly IDictionary<Type, Func<object, object, bool>> _predicates = new Dictionary<Type, Func<object, object, bool>>();

        private bool _withoutSort;
        private int _maxRecursion = int.MaxValue;

        private readonly HashSet<VisitedComparison> _visitedObjects = new HashSet<VisitedComparison>();

        private static readonly HashSet<string> _globallyIgnoredNames = new HashSet<string>();
        private static readonly HashSet<Type> _globallyIgnoredTypes = new HashSet<Type>();
        private static readonly LinkedList<Type> _globallyIgnoredInterfaces = new LinkedList<Type>();

        private static object _regionalTolerance;

        public ContentsEqualConstraint(object expectedValue)
            expected = expectedValue;

        public ContentsEqualConstraint Comparing<T>(Func<T, T, bool> predicate)
            Type t = typeof (T);

            if (predicate == null)
                _predicates[t] = (x, y) => predicate((T) x, (T) y);
            return this;

        public ContentsEqualConstraint Ignoring(string fieldName)
            return this;

        public ContentsEqualConstraint Ignoring(Type fieldType)
            if (fieldType.IsInterface)
            return this;

        public ContentsEqualConstraint IgnoringSuffix(string suffix)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(suffix))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("suffix");
            return this;

        public ContentsEqualConstraint WithoutSort()
            _withoutSort = true;
            return this;

        public ContentsEqualConstraint RecursingOnly(int levels)
            _maxRecursion = levels;
            return this;

        public static void GlobalIgnore(string fieldName)

        public static void GlobalIgnore(Type fieldType)
            if (fieldType.IsInterface)

        public static IDisposable RegionalIgnore(string fieldName)
            return new RegionalIgnoreTracker(fieldName);

        public static IDisposable RegionalIgnore(Type fieldType)
            return new RegionalIgnoreTracker(fieldType);

        public static IDisposable RegionalWithin(object tolerance)
            return new RegionalWithinTracker(tolerance);

        public override bool Matches(object actualValue)
            typePathExpanded = null;
            actual = actualValue;
            return Matches(expected, actualValue);

        private bool Matches(object expectedValue, object actualValue)

            bool matches = true;

            if (!MatchesNull(expectedValue, actualValue, ref matches))
                return matches;
            // DatesEqualConstraint supports tolerance in dates but works as equal constraint for everything else
            Constraint eq = new DatesEqualConstraint(expectedValue).Within(tolerance ?? _regionalTolerance);
            if (eq.Matches(actualValue))
                return true;

            if (MatchesVisited(expectedValue, actualValue, ref matches))
                if (MatchesDictionary(expectedValue, actualValue, ref matches) &&
                    MatchesList(expectedValue, actualValue, ref matches) &&
                    MatchesType(expectedValue, actualValue, ref matches) &&
                    MatchesPredicate(expectedValue, actualValue, ref matches))
                    MatchesFields(expectedValue, actualValue, eq, ref matches);

            return matches;

        private bool MatchesNull(object expectedValue, object actualValue, ref bool matches)
            if (IsNullEquivalent(expectedValue))
                expectedValue = null;

            if (IsNullEquivalent(actualValue))
                actualValue = null;

            if (expectedValue == null && actualValue == null)
                matches = true;
                return false;

            if (expectedValue == null)
                expectedDescription = "null";
                actualDescription = "NOT null";
                matches = Failure;
                return false;

            if (actualValue == null)
                expectedDescription = "not null";
                actualDescription = "null";
                matches = Failure;
                return false;

            return true;

        private bool MatchesType(object expectedValue, object actualValue, ref bool matches)
            Type expectedType = expectedValue.GetType();
            Type actualType = actualValue.GetType();

            if (expectedType != actualType)
                    Convert.ChangeType(actualValue, expectedType);
                    expectedDescription = expectedType.FullName;
                    actualDescription = actualType.FullName;
                    matches = Failure;
                    return false;

            return true;

        private bool MatchesPredicate(object expectedValue, object actualValue, ref bool matches)
            Type t = expectedValue.GetType();
            Func<object, object, bool> predicate;

            if (_predicates.TryGetValue(t, out predicate))
                matches = predicate(expectedValue, actualValue);
                return false;
            return true;

        private bool MatchesVisited(object expectedValue, object actualValue, ref bool matches)
            var c = new VisitedComparison(expectedValue, actualValue);

            if (_visitedObjects.Contains(c))
                matches = true;
                return false;


            return true;

        private bool MatchesDictionary(object expectedValue, object actualValue, ref bool matches)
            if (expectedValue is IDictionary && actualValue is IDictionary)
                var expectedDictionary = (IDictionary)expectedValue;
                var actualDictionary = (IDictionary)actualValue;

                if (expectedDictionary.Count != actualDictionary.Count)
                    expectedDescription = expectedDictionary.Count + " item dictionary";
                    actualDescription = actualDictionary.Count + " item dictionary";
                    matches = Failure;
                    return false;

                foreach (DictionaryEntry expectedEntry in expectedDictionary)
                    if (!actualDictionary.Contains(expectedEntry.Key))
                        expectedDescription = expectedEntry.Key + " exists";
                        actualDescription = expectedEntry.Key + " does not exist";
                        matches = Failure;
                        return false;
                    if (CanRecurseFurther)
                        if (!Matches(expectedEntry.Value, actualDictionary[expectedEntry.Key]))
                            matches = Failure;
                            return false;
                matches = true;
                return false;
            return true;

        private bool MatchesList(object expectedValue, object actualValue, ref bool matches)
            if (!(expectedValue is IList && actualValue is IList))
                return true;

            var expectedList = (IList) expectedValue;
            var actualList = (IList) actualValue;

            if (!Matches(expectedList.Count, actualList.Count))
                matches = false;
                if (CanRecurseFurther)
                    int max = expectedList.Count;

                    if (max != 0 && !_withoutSort)

                    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)

                        if (!Matches(expectedList[i], actualList[i]))
                            matches = false;
                            return false;
                matches = true;
            return false;

        private void MatchesFields(object expectedValue, object actualValue, Constraint equalConstraint, ref bool matches)
            Type expectedType = expectedValue.GetType();

            FieldInfo[] fields = expectedType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

            // should have passed the EqualConstraint check
            if (expectedType.IsPrimitive ||
                expectedType == typeof(string) ||
                expectedType == typeof(Guid) ||
                fields.Length == 0)
                failedEquality = equalConstraint;
                matches = Failure;

            if (expectedType == typeof(DateTime))
                var expectedDate = (DateTime)expectedValue;
                var actualDate = (DateTime)actualValue;

                if (Math.Abs((expectedDate - actualDate).TotalSeconds) > 3.0)
                    failedEquality = equalConstraint;
                    matches = Failure;
                matches = true;

            if (CanRecurseFurther)
                    foreach (FieldInfo field in fields)
                        if (!Ignore(field))
                            if (!Matches(GetValue(field, expectedValue), GetValue(field, actualValue)))
                                matches = Failure;
                    expectedType = expectedType.BaseType;
                    if (expectedType == null)
                    fields = expectedType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            matches = true;

        private bool Ignore(FieldInfo field)
            if (_ignoredNames.Contains(field.Name) ||
                _ignoredTypes.Contains(field.FieldType) ||
                _globallyIgnoredNames.Contains(field.Name) ||
                _globallyIgnoredTypes.Contains(field.FieldType) ||
                field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (IgnoreContentsAttribute), false).Length != 0)
                return true;

            foreach(string ignoreSuffix in _ignoredSuffixes)
                if (field.Name.EndsWith(ignoreSuffix))
                    return true;

            foreach (Type ignoredInterface in _ignoredInterfaces)
                if (ignoredInterface.IsAssignableFrom(field.FieldType))
                    return true;
            return false;

        private static bool Failure
                return false;

        private static bool IsNullEquivalent(object value)
            return value == null ||
                    value == DBNull.Value ||
                   (value is int && (int) value == int.MinValue) ||
                   (value is double && (double) value == double.MinValue) ||
                   (value is DateTime && (DateTime) value == DateTime.MinValue) ||
                   (value is Guid && (Guid) value == Guid.Empty) ||
                   (value is IList && ((IList)value).Count == 0);

        private static object GetValue(FieldInfo field, object source)
                return field.GetValue(source);
            catch(Exception ex)
                return ex;

        public override void WriteMessageTo(MessageWriter writer)
            if (TypePath.Length != 0)
                writer.WriteLine("Failure on " + TypePath);

            if (failedEquality != null)
        public override void WriteDescriptionTo(MessageWriter writer)

        public override void WriteActualValueTo(MessageWriter writer)

        private string TypePath
                if (typePathExpanded == null)
                    string[] p = typePath.ToArray();
                    var text = new StringBuilder(128);
                    bool isFirst = true;
                    foreach(string part in p)
                        if (isFirst)
                            isFirst = false;
                            int i;
                            if (int.TryParse(part, out i))
                                text.Append("[" + part + "]");
                                text.Append("." + part);
                    typePathExpanded = text.ToString();
                return typePathExpanded;

        private bool CanRecurseFurther
                return typePath.Count < _maxRecursion;

        private static bool SafeSort(IList list)
            if (list == null)
                return false;

            if (list.Count < 2)
                return true;

                object first = FirstNonNull(list) as IComparable;
                if (first == null)
                    return false;

                if (list is Array)
                    return true;
                return CallIfExists(list, "Sort");
                return false;

        private static object FirstNonNull(IEnumerable enumerable)
            if (enumerable == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("enumerable");
            foreach (object item in enumerable)
                if (item != null)
                    return item;
            return null;

        private static bool CallIfExists(object instance, string method)
            if (instance == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("instance");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(method))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("method");
            Type target = instance.GetType();
            MethodInfo m = target.GetMethod(method, new Type[0]);
            if (m != null)
                m.Invoke(instance, null);
                return true;
            return false;

        #region VisitedComparison Helper

        private class VisitedComparison
            private readonly object _expected;
            private readonly object _actual;

            public VisitedComparison(object expected, object actual)
                _expected = expected;
                _actual = actual;

            public override int GetHashCode()
                return GetHashCode(_expected) ^ GetHashCode(_actual);

            private static int GetHashCode(object o)
                if (o == null)
                    return 0;
                return o.GetHashCode();

            public override bool Equals(object obj)
                if (obj == null)
                    return false;

                if (obj.GetType() != typeof(VisitedComparison))
                    return false;

                var other = (VisitedComparison) obj;
                return _expected == other._expected &&
                       _actual == other._actual;


        #region RegionalIgnoreTracker Helper

        private class RegionalIgnoreTracker : IDisposable
            private readonly string _fieldName;
            private readonly Type _fieldType;

            public RegionalIgnoreTracker(string fieldName)
                if (!_globallyIgnoredNames.Add(fieldName))
                    _fieldName = fieldName;

            public RegionalIgnoreTracker(Type fieldType)
                if (!_globallyIgnoredTypes.Add(fieldType))
                    _fieldType = fieldType;

            public void Dispose()
                if (_fieldName != null)
                if (_fieldType != null)


        #region RegionalWithinTracker Helper

        private class RegionalWithinTracker : IDisposable
            public RegionalWithinTracker(object tolerance)
                _regionalTolerance = tolerance;

            public void Dispose()
                _regionalTolerance = null;


        #region IgnoreContentsAttribute

        public sealed class IgnoreContentsAttribute : Attribute

    public class DatesEqualConstraint : EqualConstraint
        private readonly object _expected;

        public DatesEqualConstraint(object expectedValue) : base(expectedValue)
            _expected = expectedValue;

        public override bool Matches(object actualValue)
            if (tolerance != null && tolerance is TimeSpan)
                if (_expected is DateTime && actualValue is DateTime)
                    var expectedDate = (DateTime) _expected;
                    var actualDate = (DateTime) actualValue;
                    var toleranceSpan = (TimeSpan) tolerance;

                    if ((actualDate - expectedDate).Duration() <= toleranceSpan)
                        return true;
                tolerance = null;
            return base.Matches(actualValue);
The code you provided is missing the `DatesEqualConstraint()` method and all associated methods (such as `.Within()`).
Daniel T.