I've made an interactive tour. Which can be seen here:
The main swf is the nav at the top. And I load 4 external swfs into the main (About, Rentals, Floorplan, Neighborhood).
I need a button in Floorplan.swf to load Rental.swf AND gotoAndStop("CAFE") - a frame within Rental.swf.
This is the code that I am working with right now..
btnFLRcafe.onRelease = function(){
var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.addListener(this);
function onLoadComplete(loadedClip) { loadedClip._root.mcRENTALS.gotoAndStop("CAFE"); }
loader.loadClip("maps_92Tri_RentalsMain.swf", 1); }
The code will load the swf, but it DOES NOT gotoAndStop. I've rearrange and rewrote - nothing worked. When I put traces on the code, it seems that onLoadComplete isn't even being called. I am at a loss. Please help!!
I can send files if needed.