



For the last few years I've been working as a self-employed software developer. Doing various gigs as they came my way. For the most part I've been fairly lucky, as my own personal network has yielded all the work I need to sustain myself and then some. As I said, I've been lucky to get all my contracts, I haven't had to put any real effort into finding work yet.

Although I'm currently employed, I'm unhappy and thinking about moving on.

My question is for the experienced self-employed contractors, how did you find your contracts? Are recruiters/headhunters/agencies helpful? What is the best way to expand your professional network? Can the internet be useful?

Thanks for the tips

+3  A: 

Craigslist, network with former co-workers. Stay away from rent-a-slave and elame sites. They will only waste your time and frustrate you (I want a youtube/facebook/amazon clone for under $500).

Local is better. Clients love to have you come onsite and talk with them.

It will take a bit but after a while, you will find enough clients who keep you busy and you won't have time to look for new ones :D.

Start off moonlighting so you can keep the lights on and the internet paid while this ramp up happens.

Good luck!

Byron Whitlock
Oh yeah, don't buy into to much BS you will hear. They will think their product is the best thing since gravy. Remember cash is king, and you are the handmaiden.
Byron Whitlock
I've always been amazed by rent-a-slave. you see listings like "Require complete website for company, including full e-commerce etc etc. Maximum bid $120"