




I have a two part question.

  1. Using Curl is it possible to use a textbox on another page or site or div, that captures user input and posts it to a Stack Exchange / Stack Overflow 'Ask Question' Page so that the title of the question is then populated.

something along the lines of blah blah

  1. How do I only show a div the first x times a visitor comes to my site and also offer the ability for this div to be manually closed by a click

To put some context around my question, I have a Stack Exchange site called My Realty Questions. At the moment all traffic lands on the main home / question page in the same way as Stack Overflow.

What I would like is that a first time visitor sees only a big text box (maybe a few other things too) with the ability to add a question title and then on submit, be directed to the 'Ask Question' page with the Question Title Field already completed based on their previous input.

Hope someone can help!

