



I am using the css_color.vim script with gvim 7.2 on vista. Because of this script I am not able to use omni-completion for css that came with the gvim I installed, which works perfectly fine if I rename the css.vim file to css.vim.bak or something.

I usually open omni-completion drop down using <C-x><C-o>, but with the css.vim, when I hit <C-x>, vim seems to go in a "temporary" normal mode, I dont really know what it is doing, but it is definetely not giving me the omni-completion drop down.

I tried search for <C-x> in the css.vim file but nothing. I dont have much experience with vim scripting, so any help appreciated.


Couple of ideas.

for your first issue



wtih the script on an off and look for differences. It's possible you've placed the script in the wrong directory or its overriding a system wide file.

Secondly for your , issue. run

:verbose map ,

to find where the , map has been defined. Looking at the css script it's possible these are separate issues

hehe, I did not notice, the keys I gave disappered, it is corrected now, it is not ',' actually :P... I'll try out what you suggested and get back.
Shrikant Sharat
aha! spotted a difference, the last file loaded is autoload/csscomplete.vim after syntax/css.vim without the plugin, and is after/css.vim (plugin) after syntax/css.vim with the plugin. I dont see any other differences.. so how do I fix this?
Shrikant Sharat

I think I found the answer... Commenting the 3 lines at the bottom of the script seems to fix this. I can now use omni-completion in css files along with this plugin.

For anyone that comes along looking for this later on, these are the lines I commented...

autocmd CursorHold * silent call s:PreviewCSSColorInLine('.')
autocmd CursorHoldI * silent call s:PreviewCSSColorInLine('.')
set ut=100
Shrikant Sharat