



I am trying to compute 2^1000 (2 to the power of 1000) using c#. I need the value to all places. I've been scratching my head for a while now because I can't seem to figure out a way to achieve this in c#.

Is there some kind of type that will store a number 300+ digits long, that I'm missing? :)


+8  A: 

Yes, but only in .NET 4.0 - System.Numerics.BigInteger.

If you can use .NET 4.0, I'd go for that. Otherwise, I'm sure there are third party libraries around. Let me know if you want me to try to find some.

Jon Skeet
I'm going to see if it is possible to use .NET 4.0. Would much rather than than a library. If it's easy enough?
Looks like plenty of other people have posted links to libraries now :)
Jon Skeet
They have waited until version 4.0 of the framework to include that??? in Java it's there since JDK1.1 xD
It was yanked from 3.5 at the last minute.
Cade Roux
+3  A: 

System.Numerics.BigInteger if you're in .net 4.0 (VS 2010)

Or, look for a good bigint implementation on the web - there are many to choose from.

See also this StackOverflow question.

Philip Rieck
+1  A: 

You could use an array to store your digits. It's messy I know, but essentially you will have to program multiplication as you would do it by hand, except in your code.

+1  A: 

See here code in C# for BigInterger, at CodePlex


There is a class here called BigInt

Very useful for that type of problem without .Net 4.0

+1  A: 

You could just use F# to test do it, as that will work in VS2008, but for a production application it would be a problem.

Look at Problem #25,, as it will show an approach that you may be able to use.

Your C# application can call an F# class, they work together.

James Black

eh ... , 2^0 is 1st bit, 2^1 is 2nd bit , ... , 2^4 is 5th bit .... you need a 1000 bits for this . I do not know anything about c#, however, how about just remembering that the bitwise notation is a 999 0's with one 1 ? And use it accordingly.

What are you planning to use that number for?


If you can use IronRuby (not sure how usable that is at the moment), it has implicit conversion to Bignum. Example:

2 ** 1000 gives: 107150860718626732094842504906000181056140...

Benjamin Oakes
Thank's this is useful.
Haha StackOverflow just let the number go way off the page. At least, that's what it looks like on my browser (FF 3.5)
Yeah, sorry about that. Will truncate.
Benjamin Oakes

You can add a reference to the Java runtime (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\vjslib.dll is what I've got) and using java.math, you get a BigInteger

Cade Roux
Now he have two problems, solve the problem and integrate two frameworks
You don't really have to deal with much of the java, it's just a class. It works just as well as all the other BigInteger classes.
Cade Roux
+4  A: 

If you're goal is to exercise your C# skills on Euler problems, then using a BigInt library seems pointless. If you just need the value of 2^1000 as a step to solving another problem, well, here it is.

I. J. Kennedy