Hi, I am getting myself familiar to Sequential Erlang (and the functional programming thinking) now. So I want to implement the following two functionality without the help of BIF. One is left_rotate
(which I have come up with the solution) and the other is right_rotate
(which I am asking here)
-export(leftrotate/1, rightrotate/1).
%%(1) left rotate a lits
leftrotate(List, 0) ->
leftrotate([Head | Tail], Times) ->
List = append(Tail, Head),
leftrotate(List, Times -1).
append([], Elem)->
append([H|T], Elem) ->
[H | append(T, Elem)].
%%right rotate a list, how?
I don't want to use BIF in this exercise. How can I achieve the right rotation?
A related question and slightly more important question. How can I know one of my implementation is efficient or not (i.e., avoid unnecessary recursion if I implement the same thing with the help of a BIF, and etc.)
I think BIF is built to provide some functions to improve efficiency that functional programming is not good at (or if we do them in a 'functional way', the performance is not optimal).