I'm using the Active Directory Explorer from Mark Russinovich. It is a great tool.
I'm using it to navigate active directory to make sure my program that uses DirectorySearcher from .NET returns correct data.
Something happens though, when I try to search inside my program with DirectorySearcher for objectGUID, if I pass in the actual GUID as a string it doesn't return anything, where as if I use Active Directory Explorer, when I add
objectGuid with value f8d764ff-9a6a-418e-a641-b6f99661a8d5, its search clause becomes: (objectGUID=\FFd\D7\F8j\9A\8EA\A6A\B6\F9\96a\A8\D5*)
How do I do this for directorySearcher in my program, I'm guessign it's an octet string thing, but I can't figure it out.