



I can't seem to get a stream that Flex 3 want's to decompress.

I've tried:

  • System.IO.Compression.GZipStream
  • System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream
  • ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams.DeflaterOutputStream
  • zlib.ZOutputStream

None of these seem to make ByteArray.uncompress happy, i.e. I get

Error #2058: There was an error decompressing the data.

Also the whole Deflate vs zlib has me going around in circles.

It seems that according to the wikipedia article, zlib is an implementation of DEFLATE. But according to Actionscript they are two different things?

Microsoft also seems to indicate the Gzip at least uses the Deflate algorithm, as in their docs they refer that GZipOutputStream uses the same compression algorithm as DeflateStream. So I'm assuming that it's just a header difference, which would indicate that's "no good" as far as 'ByteArray.uncompress' as the "DEFLATE" algorithm is only supported in AIR applications.

Sample "server" code, using SharpZipLib in this case (not working):

    public virtual bool ProcessRequest(string path, HttpListenerContext context)
        var buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
        // Specifying to strip header/footer from data as that seems to be what the
        // docs for ByteArray.uncompress indicate is necessary 
        var deflater = new Deflater(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, true); 
        using (var zipStream = new DeflaterOutputStream(context.Response.OutputStream, deflater))
            zipStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
+4  A: 

ZLIB and DEFLATE are not the same. There is a set of 3 related compression specs defined in IETF RFCs:

They all use (mostly) a particular compression algorithm, which is DEFLATE.

How ZLIB Relates to DEFLATE

The first, ZLIB, includes framing bytes in the beginning. According to RFC 1950...

  A zlib stream has the following structure:

       0   1
     |CMF|FLG|   (more-->)

  (if FLG.FDICT set)

       0   1   2   3
     |     DICTID    |   (more-->)

     |...compressed data...|    ADLER32    |

CMF and FLG are bytes. As the spec says, the primary compression method used in ZLIB is DEFLATE, though the spec could be used with other methods. In general it isn't. Also, the DICTID is generally not used. Therefore every ZLIB bytestream has 2 bytes, followed by a stream of compressed data, followed by an Adler32 checksum. The compressed data is a bare stream of bytes from DEFLATE.

How GZIP Relates to DEFLATE

That takes care of how ZLIB differs from DEFLATE, as a format. GZIP is a third format. If you want the details, check the RFC. The key things are that like ZLIB, GZIP primarily uses DEFLATE and it puts a header prior to the compressed datastream, and a checksum afterwards. But the GZIP header is different than the ZLIB header, so any GZipStream class is not going to be able to write a stream of bytes that will be readable as ZLIB. And vice versa.

Solving the problem

When reading a ZLIB Stream, some people address the problem you experienced by using .NET's built-in DeflateStream on the datastream, after advancing the stream past the first two ZLIB framing bytes. This works, as long as you want to READ, the ZLIB stream uses DEFLATE (safe assumption) and it does not define a fixed dictionary (also pretty safe), and if you don't care about the integrity check provided by the Adler32 (maybe).

If you don't like making those assumptions or giving up the check, or if you have to generate a a ZLIB data stream, there's a ZlibStream in DotNetZip that will read and write ZLIB data streams for you, and verify or produce the checksum as necessary.

DotNetZip is free to use, works with any .NET language. You don't need the full DotNetZip library, instead you just need the Ionic.Zlib.dll .

ZlibStream in DotNetZip worked. Thanks!
Joseph Kingry
+1  A: 

Try to use System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream or ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams.DeflaterOutputStream. You will receive DEFLATE stream.

On ActiveScript end use uncompress with "deflate" parameter: uncompress(CompressionAlgorithm.DEFLATE) as ActiveScript documentation suggest. By default, ActiveScript expects a ZLib stream, that has extra information in comparison with DEFLATE stream.

DEFLATE only works in Air applications, which won't work for my scenario.
Joseph Kingry

I have the same issue with deflate compression. Have an exception on server when trying to decompress bytes array. Here is the compression code in AS3:

var byteArray:ByteArray = new ByteArray();



And the server side code is:

using (MemoryStream reader = new MemoryStream(bytes, false))
    using (DeflateStream decompressor = new DeflateStream(reader, CompressionMode.Decompress, false))
        using (MemoryStream writer = new MemoryStream())
            Byte[] buffer = new Byte[1024];

            Int32 readed;

            while ((readed = decompressor.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
                writer.Write(buffer, 0, readed);

            // this method reads stream into the buffer and creates a string.
            return BytesList.FromStream(writer);

It doesn't work with Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream as well as with System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream. And I was wonder when tried to deflate "hello" string with the different deflators. Result:

AS3 bytesArray.length = 13; Ionic.Zlib.DeflateStream bytesArray.length = 7; System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream bytesArray.length = 105;

Can you guy help me to solve this problem?
