




I have recently started reading up on Grails and would like to use SQL Server security schemas to group tables generated by GORM. However, I cannot seem to find a reference explaining how to perform this task. I am new to Hibernate as well and would like to know if this is possible. Thank you.

+3  A: 

You can do this when you explicitly specify the mapping in a domain class as described here:

class Book {
    static mapping = {
        table name:"books", schema:"dbo"
Michael Borgwardt
This is great. Thank you for that link. Will GORM create the Schema as well? If not, what is the best practice in Grails surrounding this type of design?
Amir Khawaja
I haven't actually used schemas like this, but it shouldn't be hard to find out by tring.
Michael Borgwardt
I will give it a try. I appreciate your feedback. Thank you.
Amir Khawaja