Is there any comparable function like Pos that is not case-sensitive in D2010 (unicode)?
I know I can use Pos(AnsiUpperCase(FindString), AnsiUpperCase(SourceString)) but that adds a lot of processing time by converting the strings to uppercase every time the function is called.
For example, on a 1000000 loop, Pos takes 78ms while converting to uppercase takes 764ms.
str1 := 'dfkfkL%&/s"#<.676505';
for i := 0 to 1000000 do
PosEx('#<.', str1, 1); // Takes 78ms
for i := 0 to 1000000 do
PosEx(AnsiUpperCase('#<.'), AnsiUpperCase(str1), 1); // Takes 764ms
I know that to improve the performance of this specific example I can convert the strings to uppercase first before the loop, but the reason why I'm looking to have a Pos-like function that is not case-sensitive is to replace one from FastStrings. All the strings I'll be using Pos for will be different so I will need to convert each and every one to uppercase.
Is there any other function that might be faster than Pos + convert the strings to uppercase?