




I've got an Oracle export that's been running for almost 2 days now.

The export file shows a modification time of 5 am this morning and does not appear to be growing.

The log file does not show any errors.

I think it's stuck and I need to restart it, but I'd hate to cancel it only to find out it was still going and I simply didn't wait long enough.

Any way to definitely know if the export is still running?

+2  A: 

select * from v$session where status = 'ACTIVE';

Robert Merkwürdigeliebe
+2  A: 

Couple of things:

1) FEEDBACK parameter for export can be helpful to detect activity. I usually set this to 1000 or 10000 records depending on the size of the database I am exporting.

2) You may also be able to take advantage of the v$session_longops to see progress. The export program doesn't update LongOps directly, but if there are large tables the table scan progress that is a by product of the export will show up, you should at least see the PercentageDone counting up while large tables are being exported:

SELECT ROUND(sofar/totalwork*100,2) as PercentDone, 
  FROM v$session_longops
 WHERE sofar <> totalwork
 ORDER BY target, sid;


David Mann