



When ever the web page is loaded i am getting warning in the debugger as

Resource interpreted as stylesheet but transferred with MIME type text/plain.

I am getting the above warning when the browser requests for js, css, gif and png files.

Any idea how to resolve this warning


It's a problem with your server configuration. You probably have some stray .htaccess files that are playing with the MIME types.

Aviral Dasgupta
+1  A: 

Well the error message says it all.

Your webserver sends a wrong/missing Content-Type HTTP Header.

Use HTTP Header Check and enter the url of your js/css/gif/png and check what Content-Type header the server sends (I guess none at all or text/plain).

Then fix your server to send the correct mime type along or contact your server administrator.

The correct Content-Type values should be

text/css -> for .css files

image/gif -> for .gif files

image/jpeg -> for .jpg/.jpeg files

application/x-javascript -> for .js files

image/png -> for .png files

Consider yourself lucky ;). Now it is just a warning in Chrome, in earlier versions of Chrome when a wrong/missing Content-Type Header was set/sent the e.g. CSS wasn't applied at all.


I'm also running into these issues and when I use the HTTP Header Check utility for the the resources that are getting this error, a valid Content-Type header is returned with the correct mime-type for the resource requested. I also validated these headers with Firefox/Live HTTP headers, as well as wget.

I'm wondering if this is actually a bug in Chrome that is causing it to ignore this particular header for these types of files.


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