



I am applying "themes" to my WPF app by clearing all merged dictionaries (Resources.MergedDictionaries.Clear()) and new ones based on the selected theme.
Instead of clearing all dictionaries, I would like to clear only certain "theme-related" dictionaries, leaving others still loaded. How can I do that? I didn't find a way to differentiate dictionaries when iterating though them...

Thanks for your help!


I'm assuming you're doing the merging at the Application level, otherwise you could just introduce an intermediate control whose only job is to host the theme dictionaries. That being the case, I would suggest using a multi-tiered approach whereby the first merged dictionary houses all theme-related dictionaries:

 <!-- all application level resources -->
   <!-- theme-related resources -->
     <!-- merge in theme-related dictionaries here -->

   <!-- merge in other application-level dictionaries here -->

  <!-- other resources -->
  <SolidColorBrush x:Key="Foo">Black</SolidColorBrush>

Now you can target only theme-related resources with code like this:


HTH, Kent

Kent Boogaart
Very nice. Thanks a lot Kent!!!
Gustavo Cavalcanti
Is there a way to give a resource dictionary a name so you can search for it rather than hard code it as the first one? Or is this considered an acceptable coupling between the XAML and code?
Jamie Penney

Kent, I accepted your suggestion because it seems obviously correct, but it did not work for me. I have my Application.Resources set as following:

                    <ResourceDictionary Source="pack://application:,,,/Themes;component/ThemeGreenResources.xaml"/>

When I do this, the app gets the Green theme but this.Resources.MergedDictionary is empty, therefore, not allowing me to access the MergedDictionary inside the main MergedDictionary. What am I missing?

I thought one other option would be to create a class inheriting from ResourceDictionary called ThemeDictionary, and, use it instead ResourceDictionary on the resource files. Then I could iterate through them and only clear the ones whose types are ThemeDictionary. Is this too much of a hack?

Thanks for your help.

Gustavo Cavalcanti