



I am using an ExcelProvider with Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 and am getting the Cannot Find Installable ISAM from the production machine. Windows Server 2003.

I've searched and search for this download. I've Office installed on the Dev machine, so I'm sure that's why it works fine on my end. But I can't install Office on the Production machine.


Are you certain that the Jet provider is not already on the machine? The error message most often occurs as a result of a badly formatted connection string rather than the absence of the driver. Check for typos in the connection string.


Check out this support article: link text

Miha Markic
That article is way out of date. Jet 4 is included as part of the OS from Windows 2000 on, which is exactly why there was no longer any utility in including Jet in the MDAC. Many people misread this as deprecation of Jet, but it's just common sense not to include in the MDAC components that 99% of users already have installed on their computers.
I think the official line is that Jet 4.0 is deprecated in favour of ACE except for applications that already use Jet 4.0... something similarly vague and all-encompassing, anyhow. Ditto DAO vs ACEDAO.

I removed IMEX=1; from the string and it worked fine. Weird, at one time it worked fine with this on there. Maybe it has something to do with the versioning, I don't know.
