




I wondered how Google find the exact word ,even if we mistyped it in search box. I want to know if such open source algorithm is available.?.

Thanks you.

+3  A: 

Take a look at this Python Implementation of a suggester, which implements something similar (though no doubt not as clever as Google's) to what Google does.

Dominic Rodger
+1 - because you were 1 sec faster ;)
Nick D
+3  A: 

Check out Peter Norvig's How to Write a Spelling Corrector article.

Nick D
+1 - though I'm quietly chuffed at myself for posting the exact same link 1 second earlier!
Dominic Rodger
+2  A: 

Or if you're using java, check out Compass's support of the "Did you mean feature", and also this blogpost containing an improvement to the original feature.

+2  A: 

Reading the Wikipedia entry on Levenshtein distance should give you a better idea of how to detect misspellings.

+1 - Levenshtein Distance FTW!
Dominic Rodger
I've used Levenshtein distance divided by length of original word as a crude measure of typing accuracy in the past.
Dominic Rodger