



Hi, when the "preview" link is clicked it is meant to change the video script and video swf using the innerHTML method, however in IE 7+ the flash seems to appear but never loads the video i.e. it just stays white.

function changeVideo(filename,script) {document.getElementById('video').innerHTML =
'<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
width="610" height="400" id="movie" align=""><param name="'+filename+'"
value="'+filename+'.swf"><embed src="'+filename+'.swf" quality="high" width="610"
height="400" name="'+filename+'" align="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" plug
document.getElementById('mainText').innerHTML = script;


 <div id="video">


 <div id="mainText">
 <p style="margin-top:0px;">Some Text</p>

 <div id="videoSelector">
    <div class="videoPolaroid">
       <div class="videoThumb"><img src="images/preview-image.jpg" /></div>
       <div class="videoCaption">Caption</div>
       <div class="videoPreview"><a href="#" onclick="changeVideo('robots','<p><b>Some more text<\/b><\/p>'); return false;">Preview</a></div>
       <div class="videoDownload"><a href="#">Download</a></div>

I intended for the javascript to take 2 parameters, the video file name and the HTML text that's to be placed in the "mainText" div.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

+1  A: 

Try using swfobject in this case you can use the function

function changeVideo(filename,script){
    swfobject.embedSWF(filename, "video", "610", "400", "9.0.0");
    document.getElementById('mainText').innerHTML = script;

Remember to include swfojbect javascript file in your page. You can fetch the file from Google's CDN check here

I didn't know the swfobject was so simple to use. :) I'll give that a go, thanks.
I used the function above and included the swfobject.js file but now it's not working at all, in any browsers. If I click the Preview link, it changes the text in the "mainText" div but changed the video but stays white because it's not loading. Any suggestions?