




I want to know one thing, which language Google uses for web application development, because i was discussing with my friends about this and they say that Google uses Python for web applications, but which is it?

Best Regards.


I think lot of things including Python, Java, maybe some PHP and maybe some ruby on rails.

But Python is the first choice of they?
Nathan Campos
Most of the time yes.
-1 What's the point of guessing? What's the point of upvoting a guess?
It is very well documented that there are only four languages allowed at Google: C++, Java, Python, ECMAScript. So, this is just plainly wrong: there is no PHP or Ruby at Google. In fact, Steve Yegge famously ported Rails to ECMAScript just so that he could use Rails at Google.
Jörg W Mittag
Do they really say "ECMAScript" at Google?
+3  A: 

They are very pro-Python, definitely seem to be the direction they are headed.

Clearly they have a lot of their development also invested in JavaScript APIs!

It seems to me like the projects that are 'for internal use, gone public' have both Java and Python APIs, which strongly suggest they do both Python and Java in-house.

Palo Verde
And why accept it as the answer?
Why do you care so much? If a rep from google doesn't come in and answer the question, then an educated guess is the next best thing.
+1 @kinopiko I think you were a bit too strict on that one, if we really want to answer we have to work at google and probably nobody does so that just opinion and best guess.
Quite a few people on work at Google.
Like Jon Skeet, who does C# :P
+8  A: 

I recall reading somewhere (Steve Yegge?) that the "official" languages at Google include Python, Java, and C++, JavaScript. I believe GMail is written with a Java backend. GWT is Java compiled to JavaScript.

Ken Liu
yup, that's where I read it.
Ken Liu
Most educated answer so far. Google's core operations such as search are done mostly in C++, plumbing stuff is Python and Java and JavaScript/DHTML is used to tie things together from web perspective. Interesting stack of technologies for various uses IMO.

Their web applications that use the Google Web Toolkit is programmed in Java. The GWT then compiles the Java into a combination of JavaScript and DHTML that is cross platform compatible.

Majority? What other apps besides the AdWords and Google Wave that uses GWT?
+3  A: 

Quoting Greg Stein, bolding is mine :

At Google, python is one of the 3 "official languages" alongside with C++ and Java. Official here means that Googlers are allowed to deploy these languages to production services. (Internally Google people use many technologies including PHP, C#, Ruby and Perl). Python is well suited to the engineering process at Google.
