I want to paralelize a 3D voxel editor built on top of Windows Forms, it uses a raycaster to render so dividing the screen and getting each thread on a pool to render a part of it should be trivial.
The problem arises in that Windows Forms' thread must run as STA - I can get other threads to start and do the work but blocking the main thread while waiting for them to finish causes strange random deadlocks as expected.
Keeping the main thread unblocked would also be a problem - if, for example, the user uses a floodfill tool the input would be processed during the rendering process which would cause "in-between" images (an object partially colored, for example). Copying the entire image before every frame isn't doable either because the volumes are big enough to offset any performance gain if it has to be copied every frame.
I want to know if there is any workaround to get the amin thread to appear blocked to the user in a way that it will not be actually blocked but will delay the processing of input till the next frame.
If it isn't possible, is there a better design for dealing with this?
EDIT: Reading the anwsers I think I wasn't clear that the raycaster runs in real time, so showing progress dialogs won't work at all. Unfortunately the FPS is low enough (5-40 depending on various factors) for the input between frames to produce unwanted results.
I have already tried to implement it blocking the UI thread and using some threads of a ThreadPool to process and it works fine except for this problem with STA.