
It's possible to do that in one click in the designer using the "make same width" tool.

In my experience, if Visual is freezed during a build, it's pretty common to click at a random location on the screen to test whether VS is done with the current task)

Just an idea, though.

It happens consistently upon opening the designer. I've been trying stuff for the better part of the last 2½ hours. Furthermore, the number 311 doesn't even appear in the original designer-generated code, so something like "make same with" (even though I didn't click it) would probably have a hard time resizing *every* control to a width that no control had before.

Maybe you have recently installed another language pack (Korean maybe).

No, I didn't. And I wouldn't expect a language pack to cause random corruption (I doubt those Chinese characters [it's not Hangul] make any sense at all).

Are you doing some manual layout or anchoring in form's constructor or OnPaint methods? I once had a similar problem because I was trying to modify some elements' positions manually, and designer was passing an invalid ClientRectangle (or something) while rendering.

Just some binding source initialization going on in the Ctor/Form.Load. in total 35 lines of code in the class itself, nothing of that related to the form layout :/
+1  A: 

Have you tried to clean your project ? (I'm afraid it won't solve anything, but it's an easy step worth trying)

Also, could you clean your Visual Studio cache ? It worked numerous times for me in similar situations.

Here are some links regarding the VS Cache Hell : 1 2 . Please feel free to edit my post if you find some other useful information regarding this.

Cleaning the project doesn't help, unfortunately. And where can I find an option to clean the VS cache? I just looked through the options but didn't find anything.
There's no such option. You need to close VS, and remove the folder manually. I'm updating my post to add some guidelines regarding how to do this.
Doesn't help here too :-(. I think as a temporary workaround I will just leave that dreaded form alone. If any changes are necessary then my colleague can make them.
Have you tried to create a new blank form, to copy the designer code into it, to rebuild, and then to delete the old form/rename the new one to the old name? Of course, you would loose the checkin history for this form :(
I'll try such drastic measures later, I think. At the very moment this form doesn't need any changes and the problem as such is confined to my environment here; others can edit it just fine which is even weirder.
+1 anyway, since those have been the only sensible suggestions so far.
+2  A: 

I found the culprit. I recently installed RockScroll. And while I couldn't directly link that behavior to RockScroll I noticed that some forms had the scrollbar replacement of it drawn over them. And controls on that form changed size without reason.

Uninstalled RockScroll and it solved the problem. Thanks for all the input, anyway.

I've just had similar issues with RockScroll affecting how my form objects are redrawn. I found the problem would surface when I viewed the forms after debugging. None of the controls on my form were visible anymore.Not really something I could live with, so I've also uninstalled RockScroll.