



I have been using javascript for couple of years and never cared about the difference between null & undefined earlier, i always use undefined to validate the object existence.

But recently i came through this article. Here they said

JavaScript distinguishes between null, which is an object of type 'object' that indicates a deliberate non-value, and undefined, which is an object of type 'undefined' that indicates an uninitialized value — that is, a value hasn't even been assigned yet. We'll talk about variables later, but in JavaScript it is possible to declare a variable without assigning a value to it. If you do this, the variable's type is undefined.

I am completely confused now, what exactly is non-value here. how this non-value differs from undefined. And what are the circumstances javascript returns null.

I have tried the below sample

    var sam;
    alert(sam);     // returns undefined


        //var sam;
    } catch(ex){}    // ex says - sam is undefined

And i am not sure about when js returning nulls. can someone clarify me.


Ramesh Vel

+2  A: 

Here is an article describing the differences:

Just so people don't miss the videos linked in the article: Videos of Douglas Crockford posted on Yahoo

that was wrong i think... it returns undefined when the variable is defined and un initialized (value not set).. did u check the quote i have mentioned from mozilla dev link...
Ramesh Vel
thanks for the link Kevin...
Ramesh Vel
no prob! I we mistaken how it worked too....last time I trust what someone else says without trying it my self :)
+5  A: 

alert(sam); // returns undefined

Nope, that's an exception.

You get undefined when you access an unset property; you get an error when you use an unset name directly.

Global variables are interesting because they can be accessed either using a simple variable name, or by using properties of the window global object:

alert(window.sam);      // undefined
alert(window['sam']);   // undefined
alert('sam' in window); // false
alert(sam);             // ERROR

If sam is declared but not initialised, accessing window.sam still gets you undefined, but for a different reason: there is an entry in the window object for sam, but it points to the same undefined object as you get when you access a non-existant property.

var sam;
alert(window.sam);      // undefined
alert(window['sam']);   // undefined
alert('sam' in window); // ** true
alert(sam);             // ** undefined

This is of course a confusing bloody mess; undefined is one of the worst mistakes in the design of the JavaScript language.

null on the other hand is fine and works pretty much the same as null/nil/void/None values in other languages. It doesn't come into any of the above.

thanks for the response bobince... as i understand js never returns null in anytime unless we set variable=null... am i right..
Ramesh Vel
Yep. `null` is a normal value that doesn't show up unless you specifically ask for it. `undefined` is the only one that magically pops up out of nowhere thanks to the language itself. (Care, though: with the normal double-equals comparator, `undefined==null`.)
"but it points to the same `undefined` object"? Surely, you meant to say — has the same `undefined` value.
+1  A: 
<script type="text/javascript">
// variable with an unasigned value
var a;
if (a == undefined) {
  alert('a is undefined');

if (a == null) {
  alert('a is undefined');

// this will produce an error
if (b == undefined) {
  alert('b is undefined');

// this is the right way to handle not defined variables
if (typeof(c) == 'undefined') {
  alert('c is blabla');
Robert Cabri

The way I distinguish them is undefined being "I have not defined this value," and null being "I have defined this value, but I do not know or cannot figure out what the value should be."

+1  A: 

For a variable to receive a null value it must be assigned. null is used to indicate an unknown or don't care value. undefined on the other hand is designed to indicate that the propery being accessed has never ben assigned a value. This differs from null.

With null one is deliberately saying "I don't know what value this should have yet" or "I don't care what value this is right now". OTH in undefined is really saying "Are you sure you should be using this value it hasn't been assigned".

thanks Anthony.. this is wat i have expected.. so js never returns null in anytime unless we set variable=null.. am i right..??
Ramesh Vel
@Remesh: your use of the word "returns" is a little confusing. Functions "return" values. I think what you mean to establish is that given that a variable has never been assigned a value it could never have the value of null. That is correct.
if we have not intialized a variable, js assigns (returns) undefined .. same way when the object is nulled by javascript,, as i know it would only be assigned explicitly by var=null;
Ramesh Vel