


3 and
haven't helped as they deal with code that is under the author's control.

We are using a 3rd party suite of UI controls (DevExpress) in our software and I want to generate a warning when someone uses MessageBox.Show("blah"); instead of XtraMessageBox.Show("blah");

Is there a way to do that?

Thank you

+1  A: 

No there is no direct way. If you think about it you are looking for a compiler warning for some code that you don't even compile.

If you really want this you could use Reflection methods on YOUR compiled assembly to check if any methods/assemblies you don't want have been called. Cecil has a lot of the functionality you need. You could then make this part of your build process.

Thanks for the link to Cecil. Interesting project.

While there's no way you can do real custom compile-time error in .NET, there's a number of third-party tools (both free and commercial) that can inject their validation logic into the build process, usually after the compilation.

Here are three ways I know of to solve you problem:

  1. Resharper 5.0($) will support custom rules / warnings.
  2. In PostSharp(free) you can define OnMethodBoundary aspect, overwrite its CompileTimeValidate method and emit a [post]compile-time error from it.
  3. NDepend can be integrated with your build process ($) to enforce coding policies like that
+3  A: 

This sort of thing can be addressed relatively easily via a custom rule for FxCop/Visual Studio Code Analysis. If you are using Visual Studio Developer Edition, you will even see the rule failures displayed along-side your compilation warnings and errors in the IDE.

Nicole Calinoiu
Thanks for the information about FXCop Nicole. It seems that this is what I'll be doing.