




When I call a page with AJAX, everything goes fast and well. But if I have a page (for testing purposes) with the following code:

for(int i = 0; i < int.MaxValue; i++)

the page loading is longer, which is obvious. But then, when I load a page that only sets a text on a label, it takes longer (about 5 seconds), but this ain't the case if I call this page before calling the test page (with the for loop).

So, all the loading goes fast, except when I call the test page. From there on every page loads slow. How come?


If that for...next loop is in the pageload of your page, ALL ajax queries will have to run that same loop; you should put any long-running processes inside a this.IsPostPack == false if statement, and then persist that data in viewstate if you need it during subsequent postbacks.

Nate Bross
Yes, the for loop is in the page_load event of the test page. But I don't want this data to be saved in the ViewState. I cannot set the if(!isPostBackData) because than the code isn't executed.

I found the solution. It was bad programming. With AJAX I was loading Web User Controls (ascx files). I saved the controls in the ViewState and in my page load I loaded these controls again. So per page load the previous user control was loaded. By removing this method in the page_load my problem is solved.

Thanks for the effort though.
