When I want to run 1 test, I always have to right-click the method declaration and click "Run Test". Is there a way to do this without using the mouse?
See if there are any relevant entries from TestDriven.NET in Tools - Options - Keyboard (for instance, ReSharper adds "ReSharper.ReSharper_UnitTest_ContextRun", which allows to run a unit test method editor cursor is currently in) and bind that to some keyboard shortcut.
Anton Gogolev
2009-10-13 15:41:43
If you go to Tool=> Options => Keyboard then you can create a new shortcut key to run the unit test for a method or the complete suite. Just pick up the command from the list and assign a key.
2009-10-13 15:42:38
A quick google for "TestDriven.NET keyboard shortcuts" gives a few helpful pages.
2009-10-13 15:56:51