
WMD automatically populates the preview element as you type, right? Well, it needs to have a converter somewhere to do this. That converter is Showdown (which you could obtain here). Here is its usage (pulled from the source file):

// Showdown usage:

var text = "Markdown *rocks*.";

var converter = new Showdown.converter();
var html = converter.makeHtml(text);

This means that you can simply not use the preview element that is provided, in favor of your own that you populate yourself. Furthermore, you will need to listen to the keypress event on the textarea yourself and do your parsing of the text, followed by calling Showdown. When the output is as you like it, throw it into your own preview element.

Thanks. That helped me get the preview. I then realised shortly after that this isn't really going to help if I can't also override the rendering of the questions and answers after they have been posted - which I don't think I can do.
Mr. Flibble
you should be able to override the rendering of the post. can't you supply your own CSS?
It would be very hard to perform the hand convertion with css only. I basically have to make a call to an external service to perform the conversion. The conversion process it not trivial as there are 50+ differrent hand variations to support across different sites and game types.The only way I can see that it could be possible is to use javascript to read every page and look for a [hand] tag and convert the hand if it sees it and update the DOM. This would suck though as it would require a slow call to the ahnd conversion service every time a page is viewed.
Mr. Flibble
just convert [hand] to <span class="hand"> then apply the CSS. Basic HTML is allowed.
CSS _cannot_ do it. Complex formatting is involved.
Mr. Flibble
can CSS + HTML do it?