I'm using Nunit and Moq to test my asp.net mvc solution. Is this a good way to test that the model passed to the view is a correct object/collection?
public void Start_Page_Should_Display_Posts()
var posts = new List<Post> {new Post {Id = 1}, new Post {Id = 2}};
var mock = new Mock<IRepository>();
mock.Setup(x => x.FindAll<Post>()).Returns(posts.AsQueryable());
var controller = new PostsController(mock.Object);
var result = controller.Index(null) as ViewResult;
var viewModel = controller.ViewData.Model as IEnumerable<Post>;
Assert.IsTrue(viewModel.Count() == mock.Object.FindAll<Post>().Count());
I understand that this kind of tests the framework, but hopefully you'll get my point. Can I trust this test?
Currently i'm a bit tired so don't hesitate to ask for an elaboration.