Does Velocity support server-side atomic updates ? I'm trying to see if i can port some code (based on memcached) which implemented a ring buffer based on memcache's INCR operation.
I can't say that I'm familiar enough with memcached to know exactly what you mean, but I'm assuming that it involves locking a cached item so that one client can update it, which is supported by Velocity through the GetAndLock and PutAndUnlock methods.
Edit: OK, now I understand what you mean, no I haven't seen anything like that in Velocity. But you could write it as an extension method e.g.
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Public Module VelocityExtensions
<Extension()> _
Public Sub Increment(ByVal cache As Microsoft.Data.Caching.DataCache, ByVal itemKey As String)
Dim cachedInteger As Integer
Dim cacheLockHandle As DataCacheLockHandle
cachedInteger = DirectCast(cache.GetAndLock(itemKey, New TimeSpan(0, 0, 5), cacheLockHandle), Integer)
cachedInteger += 1
cache.PutAndUnlock(itemKey, cachedInteger, cacheLockHandle)
End Sub
<Extension()> _
Public Sub Decrement(ByVal cache As Microsoft.Data.Caching.DataCache, ByVal itemKey As String)
Dim cachedInteger As Integer
Dim cacheLockHandle As DataCacheLockHandle
cachedInteger = DirectCast(cache.GetAndLock(itemKey, New TimeSpan(0, 0, 5), cacheLockHandle), Integer)
cachedInteger -= 1
cache.PutAndUnlock(itemKey, cachedInteger, cacheLockHandle)
End Sub
End Module
Your usage would then become:
Imports VelocityExtensions
Imports Microsoft.Data.Caching
Partial Public Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim myCache As DataCache
Dim factory As DataCacheFactory
myCache = factory.GetCache("MyCacheName")
End Sub
End Class
2009-10-14 14:38:52
In memcached you can do atomic increments and decrements in a single server roundtrip. For example, i can do a client.Increment("totalViews-" + contentId), which does the lock/increment/unlock on the server in one go.
2009-10-14 15:16:24
Updated my answer to show how you could do this.
2009-10-14 17:21:14
Thanks for that, Phil. It definitely works, though not as efficient as id like.
2009-10-14 18:36:49