



Does Velocity support server-side atomic updates ? I'm trying to see if i can port some code (based on memcached) which implemented a ring buffer based on memcache's INCR operation.

+1  A: 

I can't say that I'm familiar enough with memcached to know exactly what you mean, but I'm assuming that it involves locking a cached item so that one client can update it, which is supported by Velocity through the GetAndLock and PutAndUnlock methods.

Edit: OK, now I understand what you mean, no I haven't seen anything like that in Velocity. But you could write it as an extension method e.g.

Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices

Public Module VelocityExtensions

<Extension()> _
Public Sub Increment(ByVal cache As Microsoft.Data.Caching.DataCache, ByVal itemKey As String)

    Dim cachedInteger As Integer
    Dim cacheLockHandle As DataCacheLockHandle

    cachedInteger = DirectCast(cache.GetAndLock(itemKey, New TimeSpan(0, 0, 5), cacheLockHandle), Integer)

    cachedInteger += 1

    cache.PutAndUnlock(itemKey, cachedInteger, cacheLockHandle)

End Sub

<Extension()> _
Public Sub Decrement(ByVal cache As Microsoft.Data.Caching.DataCache, ByVal itemKey As String)

    Dim cachedInteger As Integer
    Dim cacheLockHandle As DataCacheLockHandle

    cachedInteger = DirectCast(cache.GetAndLock(itemKey, New TimeSpan(0, 0, 5), cacheLockHandle), Integer)

    cachedInteger -= 1

    cache.PutAndUnlock(itemKey, cachedInteger, cacheLockHandle)

End Sub

End Module

Your usage would then become:

Imports VelocityExtensions
Imports Microsoft.Data.Caching

Partial Public Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    Dim myCache As DataCache
    Dim factory As DataCacheFactory

    myCache = factory.GetCache("MyCacheName")


End Sub

End Class
In memcached you can do atomic increments and decrements in a single server roundtrip. For example, i can do a client.Increment("totalViews-" + contentId), which does the lock/increment/unlock on the server in one go.
Updated my answer to show how you could do this.
Thanks for that, Phil. It definitely works, though not as efficient as id like.