



I'm a bit stuck on the last step of getting the solution to problem 2 on Project Euler. This is the source I've gotten so far.

module pe2 (* Project Euler Problem 2 solution *)

  open System

  let Phi = 1.6180339887;;

  let invPhi = 1.0/Phi;;

  let rootOfFive = 2.236067977;;

  let maxFib = 4000000.0;

  let Fib n =
     System.Math.Round((Phi**n - invPhi**n)/rootOfFive);;

  let FibIndices = Seq.unfold(fun i -> Some(i, i+3.0)) 3.0;;

  let FibNos = FibIndices |> index -> Fib(index));;

  let setAllowedFibNos = FibNos |> Seq.filter(fun fn -> (fn <= maxFib));;

//   let answer = setAllowedFibNos |> Seq.fold (+) 0.0;

When I uncomment the last line, the process never seems to finish. So I was hoping that someone could give me a gentle nudge in the right direction. I did look at setAllowedFibNos and it looks right but it's also an infinite sequence so I only see the first three terms.

Also, could someone point me to the right way to chain the various sequences together? I tried something like this:

let answer = Seq.unfold(fun i-> Some(i, i + 3.0)) 3.0 
|> (fun index -> Fib(index))
|> Seq.filter(fun fn -> (fn <= maxFib))
|> Seq.fold (+) 0.0;;

But that didn't work. As you can probably guess I'm just learning F# so please go gentle and if this sort of question has been asked and answered before, please post a link to the answer and I'll withdraw this one.

+3  A: 

'setAllowedFibNos' is indeed an infinite seq computation; 'fold' needs the whole sequence, so the 'filter' will run forever looking for another number <= maxFib.

Take a look at takeWhile:

I think it is what you want instead of filter.

Also note that you can use 'sqrt 5.0'.

Also, you can use Seq.sum instead of the fold and your anonymous function around Fib is redundant ( Fib is sufficient).
Thanks Brian. I was curious about one thing--doesn't Seq.filter make the sequence non-infinite?
Onorio Catenacci
No; I can filter just the evens from 1,2,3,4,... and the result is still infinite 2,4,...
@dahlbyk--thanks for the pointers.
Onorio Catenacci

I'm still trying to get used to the Seq approach. But, here is my solution without it.

let rec fib n =
  match n with
  |0|1 -> n
  |_ -> fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

let maxFib = 4000000
let phi = (1.0 + sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0
let upperBound = 1 + int( log10((float(maxFib) - 0.5) * sqrt(5.0)) / log10(phi)) 

[1..upperBound] |> List.filter (fun x-> x%3=0) |> fib |> List.filter (fun x -> x%2 = 0) |> List.filter (fun x -> x List.sum |> printfn "%d"

+2  A: 
let rec Fib(n) = 
    if (n < 2) then
        Fib(n-2) + Fib(n-1)

Seq.initInfinite Fib
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun a -> a <= 4000000)
|> Seq.filter (fun a -> (a % 2) = 0)
|> Seq.fold (+) 0