+2  A: 

You could try something like


but a little more massaging is needed with the values of labelindent, etc., to avoid overfull boxes. To first order, however, this gives you the output you're looking for.

Will Robertson
+3  A: 

With this the label of the first level (of description environment) is aligned with the rest of the text and description texts are aligned with labels. I hope this is about what you want.

+8  A: 

You can do that with a \hfill, which is works without an extra package or multiple lines of code :)

  \item[First] \hfill \\
  The first item
  \item[Second] \hfill \\
  The second item
  \item[Third] \hfill \\
  The third etc \ldots

Also contributed here: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Formatting#Description

Julian Verdurmen