



Is it possible, without employing pinvoke, to restart a PC using .NET?

I kind of just repeated the title, but I'm not too sure how to elaborate much further!


I should have mentioned that don't want to use "shutdown -r" as a solution.

I was really after a pure .NET way, something like:


In other words, something that is maintained with .NET as new versions of Windows arise.

Edit 2:

Please stop asking "what's wrong with p/invoke". Those sort of answers are exactly what SO users seem to love; the supposed "lateral" approach to answering a question. However, although there is no real problem with p/invoke and I will happily use it, what on earth is wrong with asking if .NET has a more official way of achieving something? If it's in .NET then any API changes between OSes will (most likely) get reflected. Whatever the reason, it's not a crime to seek to minimise DLL import usage is it?

I'm sure if I included something in a question like:

static extern int ClimbWall32Ex(IntPtr32 blah);

And you could just do:


Everyone one here would scream: "what is wrong with using SomeNamespace.ClimbWall();??"


+3  A: 

You need to call ExitWindowsEx which is only available through DllImport

+14  A: 

Not sure why you wouldn't just use P/Invoke, but one alternate way of restarting would be to use System.Diagnostics.Process.Start in conjunction with the shutdown command.


System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("shutdown", "-r");

If that also isn't acceptable, you could look into using WMI (see here for an example that could probably be modified to suit your purposes).

I had considered this, but it is running from a windows service so this won't work..(?)
Definitely a correct answer, but I guess that it's not what the OP was after...
You could also add the -f (force) switch. One downside to this; it will inform the user that the machine is about to restart, however I don't think you can cancel it...
It will work just fine. I'm using "shutdown -r -t 01" to restart my server (from a nncron running as a service)
@Davorin - ah right, I wasn't sure (hence the question mark at the end of my statement!)
+8  A: 

You can use WMI to restart. Below is from memory, but I think it is pretty close, although a little sloppy. :)

var computer = "COMPUTERNAME";
var query = string.Format("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem");

ManagementScope scope;

var computerPath = string.Format(@"\\{0}\root\cimv2", computer);

scope = new ManagementScope(computerPath);


var q = new ObjectQuery(query);
var s = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, q);

ManagementObjectCollection qr;

qr = s.Get();

foreach (ManagementObject r in qr) 
    string[] p = { "" };
    r.InvokeMethod("Reboot", p);
Dana Holt
+1 for creative answer
Using P/Invoke would be much less ugly...