



Here's the snippet from my Global.asax:

<script runat="server">  
    void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        // log this call

    void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        // log what the user is doing

When I open the log, I see many ApplicationStart calls interspersed with usage calls. Why does my application seem to restart so much?

+1  A: 

Application_Start fires once when the app starts up. Application_BeginRequest happens on every request.

This link helped in a simliar question here.

ASP.NET Case Study: Lost session variables and appdomain recycles

rick schott
+1  A: 

That depends on the IIS configuration. the default is 20 minutes. The application will automatically restart if no request during this time period.

Henry Gao
Could you point me to some documentation on this? It would be very helpful, thanks.
Jeff Meatball Yang