



I want to use a standard dialog to solicit user input of an connection string. It is trivial to do for the oledb connection string as described here: MSDN Article on MSDASC.DataLinks().Prompt

I've also found examples that use Microsoft.Data.ConnectionUI.dll and MicrosoftData.ConnectionUI.Dialog.dll from VS (HOWTO: Using the Choose Data Source dialog of Visual Studio 2005 from your own code).

Unfortunately these DLLs are not licensed for redistribution.

Is there a standard dialog for choosing a data source that can be distributed with my application?


It's related, but I'm now sure how you can embed this behavior inside your application.

Every time I need one, I create an empty text file, changed its file extension to ".udl" and double-click it; when I'm done, I close that application, rename that file back to ".txt" and open with Notepad.

Rubens Farias
thats how i do it too, except I create it programmatically. It's not that easy though, you have to set some custom but in the beginning.This technique is "distibutable", at least on Windows systems.
Johannes Rudolph
Seems this gives the same OLE DB provider, not the ADO.Net provider.

It appears that such a beast does not exist. I've written my own dialog and can include it in projects as needed.


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