



I know that I can get the (numerical) index of the currently selected tab like this:

$('.selector').tabs('option', 'selected');

Is there a way to get the ID of the currently selected tab, outside of an event handler? By "ID" I'm referring to the string property ( in the ui object that's passed in as an argument to an event listener callback - but I'm trying to do it outside of a callback.

I know I can hack together my own solution, but I want to make sure I'm not reinventing the wheel first.

I'd would rather work with IDs than indices so that changing the order of my tabs doesn't break my code - it's at least a little more robust and readable.


As far as I know, selected tab has class ui-tab-selected. You may use

$('.selector').find('.ui-tab-selected a');

to fetch selected tab. It was element, where href attribute - identifier of active panel.

That doesn't work at all. the `ui-tab-selected` class goes on the `<li>` for whatever tab is selected, and there isn't an easy mapping to the ID from that `li` anyway (without getting the href property and stripping away the `#`). But it got me on the right track: `$('#Tab_ID:not(.ui-tabs-hide)');` will return a non-empty array if the tab with ID `Tab_ID` is not hidden.
Matt Ball