



It appears that VB in VS8 doesn't support/convert lambda expressions with a statement body. I'm using them in my C# application, but now must convert it to VB.

I'm creating a whole bunch of controls dynamically, and I want to be able to give them event handlers on the fly. This is so I can build a dynamic user interface from a database. In the following code I'll create a form and a checkbox, make the checkbox control the form's visibility, add a few method handlers to the form, and then add the newly created checkbox to a pre-existing form/panel/etc. Handlers for the form, for instance, affect the checkbox:

  // Inside some loop creating a lot of these forms and matching checkboxes
      Form frmTemp = frmTestPanels[i];  // New form in array
      CheckBox chkSelectPanel;          // New checkbox that selects this panel
      chkSelectPanel = new CheckBox();
      chkSelectPanel.Text = SomeName;   // Give checkbox a label
      chkSelectPanel.Click += (ss, ee) =>  // When clicked
          label1.Text = SomeName;       // Update a label
          if (chkSelectPanel.Checked)   // Show or hide the form

      frmTemp.VisibleChanged += (ss, ee) =>  // When form visibility changes
          chkSelectPanel.Checked = frmTemp.Visible;  // Reflect change to checkbox
          ConfigurationFileChanged = true;   // Update config file later

      frmTemp.FormClosing += (ss, ee) =>     // When the form closes
      {   // We're only pretending to close the form - it'll sit around until needed
          chkSelectPanel.Checked = false;    // Update the checkbox
          frmTemp.Hide();                    // Hide the form
          ee.Cancel = true;                  // Cancel the close

      flpSelectGroup.Controls.Add(chkSelectPanel); // Add checkbox to flow layout panel
  // End of loop creating a bunch of these matching forms/checkboxes

Of course, I'm getting the conversion error, "VB does not support anonymous methods/lambda expressions with a statement body"

I really liked the ability to create everything on the fly, and then let the objects handle themselves - I don't need to add any special functions that figure out which form is giving the close event so it can search for the right checkbox and update the checkbox - It Just Works (TM).

Unfortunately it needs to be converted to VB.

  • What is the best way to convert lambda/anonymous statement bodies into something that will work in VB, especially when one needs to create many of them?
+4  A: 

Wait for the nearest release of .NET 4, it will support things like this in VB. Don't see other alternative.

Ugly alternatives are:

  1. This work, but you can use a single statement in a function.

    AddHandler Me.Click, Function(o, e) MessageBox.Show("text")
  2. Create some regular Sub Foo

    Public Sub Foo(ByVal o As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    End Sub

    and use AddHandler to bind it to an event

    AddHandler Me.Click, AddressOf Foo
"Don't see other alternative." Well I'm sure there's a way to duplicate the functionality, I just expect it's going to be messy. Since I am not very familiar with it, though, I'm hoping that someone else will have a better idea than the ugly implementation I think I might have to do.
Adam Davis
See edit for alternatives
Thanks, those ideas are pretty much what I expected.
Adam Davis
+1  A: 

Could you make a new class that accepts the Form in the constructor and has chkSelectPanel as a field, allowing you to use instance methods as your event handlers?
