



I don't know if this is possible or not, but I just gotta ask. My mathematical and algorithmic skills are kind of failing me here :P

The thing is I now have this class that generates prime numbers up to a certain limit:

public class Atkin : IEnumerable<ulong>
    private readonly List<ulong> primes;
    private readonly ulong limit;

    public Atkin(ulong limit)
        this.limit = limit;
        primes = new List<ulong>();

    private void FindPrimes()
        var isPrime = new bool[limit + 1];
        var sqrt = Math.Sqrt(limit);

        for (ulong x = 1; x <= sqrt; x++)
            for (ulong y = 1; y <= sqrt; y++)
                var n = 4*x*x + y*y;
                if (n <= limit && (n % 12 == 1 || n % 12 == 5))
                    isPrime[n] ^= true;

                n = 3*x*x + y*y;
                if (n <= limit && n % 12 == 7)
                    isPrime[n] ^= true;

                n = 3*x*x - y*y;
                if (x > y && n <= limit && n % 12 == 11)
                    isPrime[n] ^= true;

        for (ulong n = 5; n <= sqrt; n++)
            if (isPrime[n])
                var s = n * n;
                for (ulong k = s; k <= limit; k += s)
                    isPrime[k] = false;

        for (ulong n = 5; n <= limit; n++)
            if (isPrime[n])

    public IEnumerator<ulong> GetEnumerator()
        if (!primes.Any())

        foreach (var p in primes)
            yield return p;

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return GetEnumerator();

Now, what I would like is to get rid of the limit so that the sequence would never stop (theoretically).

I am thinking it could go something like this:

  1. Start with some trivial limit
  2. Find all the primes up to the limit
  3. Yield all the newfound primes
  4. Increase the limit (by doubling or squaring the old limit or something like that)
  5. Goto step 2

And optimally that step two should only have to work between the old limit and the new one. In other words it shouldn't have to find the lowest primes again and again.

Is there a way this can be done? My main problem is that I don't quite understand what x and y for example is in this algorithm. Like, could I just use the same algorithm kind of but set x and y to oldLimit (initially 1) and run it up to newLimit? Or how would that work? Any bright minds with some light to shed on this?

The point of this is so that I won't have to set that limit. So that I can for example use Linq and just Take() however many primes I need, not worrying about if the limit is high enough, et cetera.


I can try to explain what x and y does, but I don't think you can do what you ask without restarting the loops from the beginning. This is pretty much the same for any "sieve"-algorithm.

What the sieve does is basically count how many different quadratic equations (even or odd) have each number as a solution. The specific equation checked for each number is different depending on what n % 12 is.

For example, numbers n which have a mod 12 remainder of 1 or 5 are prime if and only if the number of solutions to 4*x^2+y^2=n is odd and the number is square-free. The first loop simply loops through all possible values of x and y that could satisfy these different equations. By flipping the isPrime[n] each time we find a solution for that n, we can keep track of whether the number of solutions is odd or even.

The thing is that we count this for all possible n at the same time, which makes this much more efficient than checking one at the time. Doing it for just some n would take more time (because you would have to make sure that n >= lower_limit in the first loop) and complicate the second loop, since that one requires knowledge of all primes smaller than sqrt.

The second loop checks that the number is square-free (has no factor which is a square of a prime number).

Also, I don't think your implementation of the sieve of Atkins is necessarily faster than a straight-forward sieve of Eratosthenes would be. However, the fastest possible most optimized sieve of Atkins would beat the fastest possible most optimized sieve of Eratosthenes.

I see. Well, I do have an implementation of an Eratosthenes sieve (or possibly just a variation of it... suddenly became a bit unsure :p), that run fine, but it seems to slow down quite a bit after a while. I am using them to solve Project Euler problems, and when using the Eratosthenes one my solution to problem 10 takes 2 seconds or so, but with the Atkin one it takes less than 200 milliseconds. Could be my implementation that is completely wrong though, of course... :p