How do I make instances of and calls to COM components that have been extended?
I have used a third party COM component (XRawFile2.dll from Finnigan/ Thermo Scientific) for many years in a mass spectrometry related application written in .NET (mixed VB.NET and C#) for accessing raw spectrum data. This has worked well. However this COM component has been extended by way of interface inheritance. Expressed in IDL (extracted using the OLE/COM Object Viewer [OleView.Exe]):
interface IXRawfile3 : IXRawfile2 {
interface IXRawfile2 : IXRawfile {
interface IXRawfile : IDispatch {
coclass XRawfile {
[default] interface IXRawfile;
The full extracted IDL for XRawFile2.dll is available (HTML page with <pre>).
I want to use a function available in the new interface (IXRawfile3),
instead of
in the original interface (IXRawfile).
I have no trouble creating an instance of XRawFile and calling GetMassListFromScanNum(). But I can't get it to work with GetMassListRangeFromScanNum(). For instance using GetMassListRangeFromScanNum() for an instance of XRawFile gives this compile error:
Error 1 'XRAWFILE2Lib.XRawfile' does not contain a
definition for 'GetMassListRangeFromScanNum' and no
extension method 'GetMassListRangeFromScanNum' accepting a
first argument of type 'XRAWFILE2Lib.XRawfile' could be
found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly
The tryout C# source code is also available.
Platform: Windows XP 64 bit SP2. Visual Studio 2008. The interop file for XRawFile2.dll was created by Visual Studio 2008 in the normal manner.