



Hi guys,

I know I can display a Powerpoint presentation within my own form (see here), but I'm wondering whether there is a way to get rid of Microsoft Office as a requirement?

I guess basically what I'm asking for is a library which will display Powerpoint slide-shows without my users having to install MS Office on every machine. They do not need to CREATE slide-shows, just display them. Does such a library exist? I have searched all over the place and I'm always referred back to the MS Interop / ActiveX stuff.

Any help is appreciated!


+1  A: 

I believe you can accomplish this with Aspose.Slides. It can open up an PPT file you have, then I think you could save each sheet to a image. Finally, you could show the images in your app.

Jake Pearson
I use Aspose and will confirm that you can create images from it. We upload the images to a web server in plain HTML wrappers with next/prev links. Obviously this won't work with animated/interactive slides though, in which case I would suggest the viewer Rubens Farias links to (which I have also used).
+3  A: 

Try this: PowerPoint Viewer 2007. Also see this thread about embedding a Powerpoint Viewer 2007 instance on a VB.NET form

Rubens Farias