



I've have a couple of external tools set up to run Doxygen for me, either on the currently displayed file, or the currently active project.

What's annoying is, there doesn't seem to be an option anywhere to save the file before running the tool.

So I'll hammer in some Doxygen blocks, hit the hotkey to run Doxygen, flip over to Firefox to check the output, and, of course..... it's the previous version.


Any clues on how to get this to work in a nice way?

+1  A: 

Get used to hitting Ctrl+S as often as possible, or even better in VS: Ctrl+Shift+S. :)

(Seriously. I'm so used to do this, FF regularly pops up its "Safe As" dialog to save this website, because I hit Ctrl+S while typing my answers into SO.)

Yeah, I can do that. It's just irritating that the feature is supported for the builds and such, but not the external tools. Sigh.
Eric H.
Yeah, I can see this. However, as I said, basically I never run into this, since I'm so used to saving, my co-workers get annoyed about me saving after every minor change when we do pair-programming. `:)`